Klubrádió - Tények, Vélemények
Klubrádió's Battle for the Renewal of its 95.3 MHz frequency license
Klubrádió’s licence expired in February, 2011.
The Media Council revealed the rules governing the competition at the end of this July. Their main points: a huge advantage for music and for local news.
The deadline for the bid is 30th August, 2011. The probable date of closing the whole procedure is January, 2012.
Participating in this competition by the rules provided may end in getting silenced in two ways: either we enter the competition with a programme that is sharply different from our quasi-public-service programming, or we stick to our characteristic programming and we will be stripped of our licence altogether.
Klubrádió has now remained the only spot in Hungary's broadcast scene where autonomous cultural events get reported, independent fact-finding can take place, non-governmental or opposition political personalities can have a presence, people can freely phone in, and honest debates can take place with the participation of public figures from all sides of the spectrum.
We fear that the procedure initiated by the Media Council leads to the silencing of Klubrádió.
That would bring diversity of Hungary's radio broadcasting to an end, and also to the deprivation of the daily 200-400 thousand listeners of their favourite programmes.
毎日新聞から。 http://mainichi.jp/select/world/news/20120216ddm007030154000c.html