



 BBC NEWS 9月13日から。

Apology for PM unemployment slip

The Cabinet secretary has apologised after Tony Blair broke protocol by pre-empting the release of official unemployment figures in a speech.
National statistician and Registrar General Karen Dunnell wrote to Sir Gus on Wednesday, saying the Prime Minister's comments "clearly contravened" the National Statistics Code of Practice.

Mr Blair made his comments on unemployment in a speech to delegates at the TUC conference on Tuesday.

He said that "tomorrow I think we will probably see - for the first time in some months - a fall again in unemployment, which is very, very welcome indeed".

The Tories accused Mr Blair of making an "irresponsible gaffe".

"Important economic data should not be blurted out at meetings with trade unionists," said shadow chancellor George Osborne.

"This proves why we need independent statistics that are not subject to ministerial spin.

"Last year Gordon Brown promised that would happen. But he has failed to deliver," Mr Osborne said.

 公開書簡は、http://www.statistics.gov.uk/about/other_letters/default.aspの13 September 2006付けでのKaren Dunnell(Statistician and Registrar General)とSir Gus O'Donnell KCB(Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service)の間のLettersのこと。スキャナ読み取りPDFであり、手書き署名もある。(不在のため代理人による、というコメントまでも)

 日経にあった「条件付きで公表の2日前に資料を受け取る」は、National Statistics Code of Practice Complianceとして、Pre-Release Access for Labour Market Statistics (through the Press Office)

Besides ONS*1 staff, the following persons are given pre-release access by the period indicated before release.

PS*2 - Prime Minister    10 Downing Street*3    2 days


*1:Office of National Statistics

*2:Permanent Secretary
