Unprecedented micro-targeting by campaigns creeps out voters
'Big Brother' is watching, in sophisticated digital ways
By Gitte Laasby of the [www.jsonline.com/:title=Journal Sentinel] Nov. 2, 2012Town of Mukwonago voter Priscilla Trulen is used to ignoring political solicitations. For weeks, she's been receiving three political robocalls per day related to the presidential election. On Thursday, she got seven.
But one call she got on Halloween still haunts her. It was a recorded message read by a presidential candidate trying to get her to vote.
"It was Mitt Romney saying, 'I know you have an absentee ballot and I know you haven't sent it in yet,' " Trulen said in an interview. "That just sent me over the line. Not only is it like Big Brother. It is Big Brother. It's down to where they know I have a ballot and I haven't sent it in! I thought when I requested the ballot that the only other entity that would know was the Mukwonago clerk."
Trulen isn't the only voter among Wisconsin's much-courted electorate who is getting creeped out by the political campaigns' unprecedented, uncanny ability to micro-target voters who are likely to vote for their candidate.
In an interview with PBS*1 that aired in October, Aristotle's chief executive officer, John Phillips, said the company keeps up to 500 data points on each voter - from the type of clothes they buy, the music they listen to, magazines they read and car they own, to whether they are a NASCAR fan, a smoker or a pet owner, or have a gold credit card. Some of that information comes from commercial marketing firms, product registration cards or surveys. Other information is obtained through Facebook, door-to-door canvassing, petitions and computer cookies - small data codes that register which websites the user has visited.
Through data modeling, analyzers can categorize voters based on how they feel about specific issues, values or candidates. They then try to predict voting behavior and figure out which issue ads voters are most likely to be susceptible to - for instance ads on education, gun control or immigration.
ニュース, 政治, ソーシャルネットワーク • 2012/5/24 木曜日 by ジェームズ ジョンソン The Blog Herald2008年、オバマ大統領は米国の政治史上最高のオンラインキャンペーンを行った。そして、現在、2012年の再選を目指し、チームオバマは独自のソーシャルメディアのキャンペーンツールを提供するさらに強固なキャンペーンの告知を行っている。
福島の県外避難者「誰が立候補?」 情報少なく困惑 出馬予定者も遊説困難 日経11月21日朝刊
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